
How to Feel Sexy at Fifty and Beyond

If you page through People magazine or watch celebrity entertainment shows, you’ll see plenty of sexy looks on women, but they’re mostly young women. What’s mainly featured? Lots of bare skin. I think you’ll agree with me: these aren’t looks we wore at that age...

Fort Worth’s Finest Food

Everyone always wants a good place to eat and everyone always suggests the same place to everyone they meet. Well, lucky you – the staff here at Stoltz Zinke have helped put together a variety of restaurants, bistros, and bars to try with help from...

The Perfect Pair

  Clarisonic cleansing system is an amazing device to add to your daily skincare routine. According to, Clarisonic uses sonic technology to gently yet deeply cleanse pores of environmental toxins, makeup and bacteria - without abrasion or harsh chemicals. This device removes six times more makeup and also increases product absorption...

Express Yourself with Your Brows

Brows are one of the most important aspects of our face. “Yahoo! Health” reports eyebrows create an "emotional expression as well as facial recognition.” So why not do what we can to enhance our eyebrows to leave a lasting impression? Here are a few products...

Color and Style Analysis

You are unique and so is your coloring. Your skin, hair, and eyes differ from anyone else's coloring making you who YOU are! Wearing your right color can make you look and feel your best as well as bring out your confidence. During your color analysis,...


What Do You See In The Mirror?

With the start of a new year comes new goals and opportunities. Focusing on your own personal development is an essential goal and an opportunity. “Do we look good because we feel great or do we feel great because we look good?” We are emotionally...

Holiday Makeup Tips

Makeup enhances your beauty and helps you feel more confident. The holidays are full of gatherings and photos. We want you to feel pretty. Here are a few makeup tips to make sure you’re ready for every holiday party!  Tip 1: Moisturize your Skin Before putting on your...

Holiday Outfit Tips

It’s the most wonderful time of the year for social gatherings! You do not need to buy a complete new outfit for each holiday party. Instead, wear an outfit you feel confident in and pair it with something festive. Here are a few tips to...